My daily horoscope-in-an-email:
If someone you know is going through a rough time, Synnette, chances are they'll come to you for support or advice. People see you as genuinely concerned and as a good friend, especially when times are tough. You've probably earned their respect through being caring and helpful. By being such a good friend, you may find yourself surrounded by people who will be there for you when you need them.
I think all the horoscope readings always do try say something nice, with qualifying terms sprinkled inconspicuously all over.
Thursday, May 31, 2001
Wednesday, May 30, 2001
CULTURE SHOCK. Be impressed by the talented writers & artists. Well will try to come up with something decent to contribute. I want to. But the blockage is way beyond me.
Look carefully. It's an iBook, not the Titantium G4. Going at a reasonable price too.
30 May : Did I mention that we now officially have a sauna in the office?
Tuesday, May 29, 2001
404 Research Lab. From links to 404 pages all over the web to the history of 404s. Kinda reminded me of Ling's project back at Mine is really simple and it's the same for both closure and a.c! Heh.
Monday, May 28, 2001
From PE :
Do you love shopping or are you obsessed with it? The line that divides them is, indeed, fine.
If the following describes your shopping patterns, then you may well be a compulsive shopper:
- When you are down, you feel the urge to shop.
- After making the purchases, you feel very guilty or angry.
- You have racks of clothes that you have never used or possessions with the price tags still attached.
- When you buy, you feel high.
- You buy things you do not need.
- You have emotional "blackouts" and do not even remember buying some items.
- Your family or friends complain that you buy too many things and you often hide your purchases from them.
- You have financial problems, such as difficulty in paying off your credit card bills.
"The difference between the internet and real life: In real life the more you talk about your problems, the less people want to hear about them." -- Tom,
Like with Kaycee Nicole.
"I haven't got any words. I can't think of anything to say - there is no room in my head for words at the moment, because this morning it is entirely full of work and love and sunshine." -- Meg,
I wonder if Meg would ever forget any of her 14 names... Nah who would?
Via Cal: 404 wanted. I remember cutting out funny job postings. If only I can find the one with red beetles on them.
So Siew did make her way up onto the Blog You! walk of fame. Thought it was a pretty good review. Incidentally her domain contract is up.
And why am I a five? Can't believe that I'm a five. Why am I a five? Can you sense Denial? [via Cyn + Siew]
The 5s:
Primary Intelligence: Mental
Coping Style: Competency
Social Style: Withdrawn
Hierarchical Style: Control
So I'm withdrawn. Or so they say. Don't come near me.
Sunday, May 27, 2001
28 May : Maybe I have intimacy issues.
Oh I just realised that you cannot use British English in HTML tags. It's color instead of colour. I never did notice that.
In case no one noticed, I 'hot' swapped the layouts at closure. Product of boredom. But am not tired of the colour orange. Yet.
And why am I talking about this? Sounds rather anal, doesn't it? This month's issue of Reader's Digest is pretty good. Does RD have an Asian site?
Ahhh I'm talking at random! Pressure's on.
Wednesday, May 23, 2001
I like what she does with her camera. A sparkling gallery of photographs.
Oddly enough, she 'found' sidetrack via a random search site. Think I talked about her boyfriend's old site, which I'd bookmarked, being taken down. I just love search engines. And the internet? Too darn messy. It definitely needs defragmentation.
Hmm if I'm not mistaken, this GP topic appeared in my 'A's. Then again, this stupid question on the media appears almost every year.
Tip on choosing GP topics: If you think the topic is familiar/easy, chances are most people will select that one too. So SKIP that.
So he lied about his credentials. Maybe the rest were just too ready to believe him.
We almost gave CommunicAsia a miss too. Hmm.
Tuesday, May 22, 2001
22 May : It ain't too hard a concept to grapple with, afterall I once lived and breathed that theory.
Monday, May 21, 2001
21 May : My body had just launched a protest against me.
Sunday, May 20, 2001
On playing golf - Players hit the ball, walk to where the ball has landed, hit the ball, chase the ball again, all with the aim of sinking it into a hole the size of a prairie dog's front door.
The author has missed the objective of the game totally. I remember my GP tutor once asked me why I picked up Golf. She had the exact same feelings like the author, and she just had to express her thoughts infront of the entire GP class. I wasn't able to answer her, think I said something stupid like, "I like the game." Till now, I still cannot explain why I like the game; it's not the chase, it's not the sun, it's definitely not the flag that flaps like a maniac in the wind.
But the satisfaction of hitting the damn ball high enough to get across a lake was tremendous. I cheered and it started to rain. Fond memories.
Thursday, May 17, 2001
Pounding on "F5", had been hoping that would load. Little did I know Fannio is at a new URL. Hi talented-artist-who-makes-me-all-envious. Heh
3 guys ordered a large pizza. The delivery boy informed them that the pizza cost $30 and they paid $10 each. Back at the restaurant, the delivery boy was told that he had made a mistake and the pizza only cost $25. The cashier handed 5 $1 bills to the delivery boy and told him to return to the customer. On his way to the customer's house, the delivery boy decided to keep $2 as tips, and returned the remaining $3 to the 3 guys.
Sounds logical?
Each guy received $1 as their change. Since they paid $10 each, they effectively paid $9 each for the pizza.
$9 x 3 = $27
$27 + $2 (tips) = $29
So what happened to the $1?
Wednesday, May 16, 2001
The Best Designs. As I've told Dave, there are just so many things that I've not been exposed to. Welcome to the world of Web Designing.
Tuesday, May 15, 2001
Cartoons by Randy Glasbergen. Psychtoons by Glasbergen and King. And finally, Dilbert by Scott Adams.
Benny, more about your favourite department - the HR. That article in the magazine has this really cute illustration, which's why I always prefer the printed matter. Oh the cover story is about the all-interesting Domain Name Game.
The Mostly Amphigory humorous website - by students in Australia.
Monday, May 14, 2001
This "dot what?" article is funny but Kelvin's crazy. Certified. Quite frankly, when I had to link to MW, I tried the exact same URL which led me to the ISP's altered self. Made me all confused.
Sunday, May 13, 2001
Strange, can't seem to find it. Or is it logged in the previous weblog? Hmm. Anyway Areya and Benny, it is the same name analysis link that Ling has put up. When I first tried it 2 years ago, I only tried with my English name. Only last week, I thought of trying with my Chinese name. How slow can I get?
Friday, May 11, 2001
Okay to be fair. Did have two interesting ICQ chats in the last couple of days. Still.
So are people bored with the flashing squares yet? I actually like it enough to keep it for .... forever.
Taking Jasmin's suggestion, of which I agree. Alrighty then, no more webdesigning.
I seldom go online. ICQ I mean. I must have said this a million times but ICQ is only useful for deleting the email junk before I actually download them. Good tool. But when I do go online, it either because (a) it has a mind of its own or (b) I simply want to. Why did I even bother explaining myself?
Am working on an article for an online literary site, of which the URL I can't reveal because it ain't done yet but it will be a wonderful site, created by a wonderful person, supported by a group of wonderful people. Heh. Anyway when I first started on the article, I liked it. But as I write, I begin to dislike it more. So much for mere exposure effect.
[sidenote] this must be my longest post ever.
Thursday, May 10, 2001
Okay. I seriously think someone should start a clique or ring or whatever for all the domains. Or just a list even. Heh. This came to me when I visited Peishan's.
Wednesday, May 09, 2001
I swear the last time I tried to access, it was not there (i.e. DNS not found). While we're at it, Sarah is graciously giving out free web space.
Yeap, received this Homepage.HTML.vbs worm yesterday. Nope, didn't open it. My client simply won't send me emails using such language. Hah.
09 May : Had wanted to start on this entry 2 days ago.
Tuesday, May 08, 2001
Shift sounds so much more normal than Cupnoodles, Kelvin. Heh.
Saturday, May 05, 2001
Friday, May 04, 2001
04 May : Was bothered by hiccups yesterday, today am stung by ulcer. Bad luck.
IP Address. I remember being told that the IP Address can pin point to the exact user. A strange guestbook entry got me to check out his/her identity. I checked with APNIC and the address brought me to one of the local ISP. I know I've to check with the ISP to know who is the exact person who bore that particular ID at that particular time. I'm just perturbed and curious as to who that person is...
Thursday, May 03, 2001
Wednesday, May 02, 2001
My fingers typed "" in the address bar. Totally unconscious. I didn't realise that it has been this long since I read about Jairus's life. It was an interesting journey. I'm expecting nothing less.
Sudden Light
by Dante Gabriel Rossetti
I have been here before,
But when or how I cannot tell:
I know the grass beyond the door,
The sweet keen smell,
The sighing sound, the lights around the shore.
You have been mine before,—
How long ago I may not know:
But just when at that swallow's soar
Your neck turned so,
Some veil did fall,—I knew it all of yore.
Has this been thus before?
And shall not thus time's eddying flight
Still with our lives our love restore
In death's despite,
And day and night yield one delight once more?
Tuesday, May 01, 2001
You know, some people just have that little more creativity than the rest of us. Most of my phone messages consist of a 2 second silence followed by a rude click. Will someone please sing me a song? "Hi. Bye." will do too.
GirlGeeks. So girls are no longer "sugar and spice and everything nice"? Guess women are no longer synonymous with "technophobia" or "technologically-challenged".