Wednesday, February 28, 2001
I hardly ever eat cup noodles but Kelvin makes it look interesting. Neat animations. If I know him personally, I would most definitely get him cup noodles (in all flavours) for his birthday. Hah.
Tuesday, February 27, 2001
"At some point, one must be willing to lose face for love." Is that true? Sorta.
Think I'm gonna need one of this very soon. Directed there by Suzen. Well she didn't exactly told me over dinner to use that particular service since we do not even know each other, but I did arrive at Shutterfly via her site. Long explanation that is totally unneccessary. Incidentally, I like the maroon at eastcoastgirl.
Monday, February 26, 2001
The UK Bloggers are such an interesting bunch.
Flower Power! Oh gee. Are they really running out of ideas? A transition from IT to Plastic Technology.
Indeed, there are many things to do in Singapore. "The Singlish will come by osmosis." Heh. That's one thing an Expat definitely has to learn to cope with the Culture Shock.
Sunday, February 25, 2001
25th Feb : Spent the past six days in a daze.
Actually the SMS abbreviations can be used everywhere. But it will definitely be strange hearing them instead of seeing them.
Thursday, February 22, 2001 : 4 erased entries & 2 pencilled poems.
Wednesday, February 21, 2001
Guess who is hiring?
Tuesday, February 20, 2001
This is what I call an ADDICTION. It was 2 in the morning, Danny. Why did you still login?!
401 Authorization Required.
This server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document requested. Either you supplied the wrong credentials (e.g., bad password), or your browser doesn't understand how to supply the credentials required.
Wow green! I like green. Hmm maybe I shouldn't have changed to orange. Then again, I still have green on the site. Heh, I like green.
Oh oh! I remember the title of the movie. It's Enemy of the State! Phew, that's one less thing to think about.
It's really him. Hmm. Oh well I'm sure by now you would have known the answer.
Bunch of funny people. Am surprised that they are not talking about toiletries yet. Shampoo anyone?
You won't believe what I just did - I went through the entire transcript of When Harry Met Sally. Amazing. I wasn't even bored but I just sat here reading the 164KB file. Gosh. Listening to It had to be you and Autumn in New York.
Monday, February 19, 2001
Harry: You realize of course that we could never be friends.
Sally: Why not?
Harry: What I'm saying is - and this is not a come-on in any way, shape or form - is that men and women can't be friends because the sex part always gets in the way.
Sally: That's not true. I have a number of men friends and there is no sex involved.
Harry: No you don't.
Sally: Yes I do.
Harry: No you don't.
Sally: Yes I do.
Harry: You only think you do.
Sally: You say I'm having sex with these men without my knowledge?
Harry: No, what I'm saying is they all WANT to have sex with you.
Sally: They do not!
Harry: Do to.
Sally: They do not.
Harry: Do to.
Sally: How do you know?
Harry: Because no man can be friends with a woman that he finds attractive. He always wants to have sex with her.
Sally: So, you're saying that a man can be friends with a woman he finds unattractive?
Harry: No. You pretty much want to nail 'em too.
Sally: What if THEY don't want to have sex with YOU?
Harry: Doesn't matter because the sex thing is already out there so the friendship is ultimately doomed and that is the end of the story.
Sally: Well, I guess we're not going to be friends then.
Harry: I guess not.
Sally: That's too bad. You were the only person I knew in New York.
-When Harry Met Sally
It said "Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?" for the longest time. This poem is equally powerful.
On Britain. I like Windsor but I prefer Warwick. Stratford is one little quaint town. The only thing that I remember about Bath is the street performer. I don't like Salisbury Plain. Bad memory. London, oh London - 90 minutes train ride from Nottingham. Hmm.
GPS reminds me of this movie I watched with Marcus. Hmm what's the title of that show? In that movie, the bad guys located the good guy using the GPS. Argh, what's the title of that movie?!
Iain, the black balls of goo are called "pearls". Heh. It's a drink originated from Taiwan I think. I hate it too. Believe it or not, I have yet to visit the Night Safari. It feels far, very far.
Yes yes, I've enough of the squeaking sounds at work. And now I have to be haunted even when I'm on a bus?! Maybe I really should learn to drive. Heard that the TV Mobile thingy would be installed on MRT too. Fortunately, I don't take the MRT. Heh.
Remember there was once a contest held by CNA that if you could spot any of their presenter speaking non-standard English, you can write in and expose them? Well last weekend, I heard Singlish. Hurrah.
Power Showers. Am beginning to get used to that.
19th Feb : Did I mention that I bought a pair of shoes last weekend?
Sunday, February 18, 2001
I really admire one's time & effort that goes into reviewing someone else's site. One thing baffles me - he said in one of his reviews that he doesn't like popups. But he uses it in this site. Hmm.
I understand the rationale for the maximum loan amount. However if I have a wealthy relative who's earning S$25,000 a month, I don't have to take out a loan, do I? As someone recently said to me, c'est la vie.
Hmm. I don't think Child Psychologists would agree with him that "babies.. are born incredibly, moronically, fantastically, stupid."
US airstrikes on Iraq may backfire. Yes, when I first heard the news, I could not believe that it is happening.
Sometimes I wonder why can't my browser be a little smarter. I hate to find out that I've missed out on 6 days of journal entries just because the index is cached (is that the correct word?). Yes, clicking reload is not an option, for me. Or is there a way around this?
Do yourself a favour - stop relating to a screen. So turn off your computer! I am not exactly ashamed of how much time I am spending online each day. Or am I just in denial? Hmm. Really, I am not embarrassed at all to say that I'm online for 8 hours a day.
Hands. I think those are hands. And does "aesthetic" come with a "s"? Oh GM is working. Good for you.
Saturday, February 17, 2001
Sarah. As she commits herself to her fingertips, the iambic vomit is nothing less than art itself.
Via John - Though it doesn't affect me directly (or indirectly for that matter), I do support the Web Standards Project's campaign for standards-abiding browsers. However I do not think my codes are valid and standards compliant. Gee.
Strange. I can't seem to be able to link to Cal's individual post. On the bitterness, that I am assuming that he doesn't have.
Tom's take on weblogging. For me, I merely need a place to record the sites that I think I would like to re-visit. Bookmarking just doesn't help. No idea why. Hmm yes, why is a weblog better than bookmarking? Think I need better justifications. Or do I?
Saw the magazine in the Kinokuniya today. It's finally here. Really hope it will do well.
Fresh change of perspective. Heh. And I think these tips apply everywhere.
Feb 17th : Feeling almost fortunate topped with a tinge of nostalgia, am still wondering if it was all a dream.
Wednesday, February 14, 2001
I must have requested to be removed from the mailing lists of at least 6 people. Bad jokes don't amuse me. Really.
I have never thought of writing something so bitchy to anyone before. Not that I'm "miffed". Oh well it can be quite interesting at first, but the choices are limited.
Tuesday, February 13, 2001
A Consumer's Guide to Weblogs - Blog You! Blog You! Blog You!. And Pei, yes it's only a Donald. Heh.
Monday, February 12, 2001
They have added more categories. Always do like their simplicity.
"It's for me." Maybe I should think about why too.
Sunday, February 11, 2001
Is your site a pain to download? Or is it only 5kb? Be judged on size, aesthetic appeal, function, overall concept, and originality.
Cedric compiled an OST of his life. I have one too. But I need to remember where I wrote it...
Eh the cow looks undernourised.
Thursday, February 08, 2001
"AN EXISTENCE on the margins." As a writer, I have always considered such a state as being a source of strength.
Tips on Photoshop, Flash, Illustrator, and others - Designs By Mark. A link from Brooke.
"Must not sulk about having no boyfriend, but develop inner poise and sense of self complete without best way to obtain boyfriend." Wonder if Eve meant it.
He isn't adopted! This is too funny.
Wednesday, February 07, 2001
Wine is a bad thing. It makes you quarrel with your neighbour, it makes you shoot at your landlord, it makes you miss him.
Murphy's Eighth Law of Computing:
If at first you do not succeed, blame your computer.
Can't I just install my old hard drive into my new machine? 6 hours to transfer 2.5GB of data, that's not too good for me. I'm a prick.
Ok. I can definitely do a thorough scan once a month, clean out unwanted files (but when Clean Sweep does ask if I want those files, I normally would answer yes, so it doesn't really help), update my anti-virus software regularly, but to reformat my hard drive?? No.
I think the mast head changes every 24 hours.
It has been a long time. Maybe I just didn't look hard enough.
Astro(b)logy : Name + Birthdate + Sign + URL : the fault lies not in the stars [via Pei]
So it did guess my gender accurately. But somehow my answers do not fall within the amazing statistics that they put forth. Hmm and regarding Q23, can someone please explain to me?
Tuesday, February 06, 2001
I couldn't resist. Maybe I should start looking through stuff that I don't want and turn them into cash.
I've never sold a thing in my life. The crappy school carnivals don't count. But Hall's experience made me laugh. He's one happy kid.
Yet another excuse not to spend $ on Gyms and Aerobics classes, and another excuse to spend more time online - Workout Wizard. I like this.
And, once again, the winners are...
6th Feb : "Then I wondered - does everyone fall neatly into a certain pre-conceived category, like a jigsaw piece that is designated a place in the puzzle even before the picture is formed?"
Don't take this the wrong way, it was just a random thought. And, why hasn't my Titanium G4 arrived yet too? Well does it matter if I've not exactly placed my order?
Monday, February 05, 2001
I have been reading Scott's web journal for quite some time now. And I didn't even notice this tilde site. Serene.
Always enjoyed his storytelling skills.
I don't think Singapore is ready for Digital TV, let alone HDTV. Frankly I don't know the difference. But I do know Australia is.
That's right - On second thought and having second thoughts. What made you confused in the first place?
She might changed her mind about the value of re-reading old journal entries, I still believe that whatever that is written down in words will soon lose its meaning. As I've told Gerald, life seems to detach itself from me after they are recorded in my journal. Re-visiting them is like reading a story book, I can laugh at my horrendous handwriting and mock at my bad grammar but I can hardly feel what I felt back then. Regardless of my level of inner honesty in each entry, I simply can no longer stand at the same point and look at that event in the same angle.
Sunday, February 04, 2001
I remember when I was an Economics student, I came up with something really similar to this. We all love Demand & Supply, don't we?
Do I miss the faded blue? Hmm yea but this is good for me too.
Siew, I am noticing another web trend - decrypting status bar. If I don't make sense, it's what Jen has.
"rebuilding guestbooks is temporarily disabled, however your entry has been saved." - Do you get a feeling that gbooks may never be up? I do.
4th Feb : "I walked down to the center of the road, and I looked up. A star was sitting quietly by the half moon. Shining."
Friday, February 02, 2001
Is your PC an overpriced typewriter? Mine used to be. Now it's an antique, overpriced typewriter.
Eh think I need to see the doctor. "A common first sign of tetanus is muscular stiffness in the jaw (lockjaw) ..." Now that's what has been bothering me for a long time.
Are you an AOL user? If yes, be on the lookout for trojan horse virus.
Though it looks vaguely familiar, I'm still impressed.
Thursday, February 01, 2001
Who's [My] Type? [My] type is the Artiste. Good answer, Emode.
Do you know that "foreign corporations or organizations without an office in the Republic of Korea, and foreigners without domiciles in the Republic of Korea shall be denied the right to apply for Registration of Domain Names"? Now that's just great.
Gone with the Wind was published on June 30th in 1936! 42 years later, I was born. Heh.
I totally agree. Nothing good ever comes out of re-reading old journal entries.
If she is Melissa, then where's Melanie??